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2/07/2024 6:44 pm  #1

Hot vat chemical

Does any one have a chemical for a hot soak tank that can actually clean blocks and 
REMOVE RUST  i am tired of paying hi dollar prices for not much more that TIDE washing powder for our soak tank


10/09/2024 3:27 pm  #2

Re: Hot vat chemical

Hi  Archie
The bake and blast system seems to be the very best way to get rid of rust on cores.
There is a smaller but time consuming small vat size of material but it takes a week to deep clean a large block.
It uses a feed molasses  in hot water which creates a reverse electrolysis situation to remove rust.
It uses a small current from the liquid to the block and it works really well.
But bake and blast or even just a hot tank clean and a tumble blast type clean is what I have gone to for rust on cores or customers components to avoid the long time spent in the glass bead cabinet cleaning rusty parts.
But yeah there is no chemical that removes rust especially in the cooling system passages.

Pro Power Engine & Machine
Victoria BC Canada

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