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11/19/2019 9:55 pm  #1

Valve seat cutter carbide inserts

Hello. What kind of life expectancy are you all seeing on your seat cutter inserts? How many seats are you able to cut before needing to resharpen the insert and how many seats are you able to cut before needing to replace the insert. Typical carbide non radius 3 angle insert cutting typical oem cast alloy and pm seats of domestic and imports.



12/20/2019 12:32 pm  #2

Re: Valve seat cutter carbide inserts

It depends on relief angle of cutter.
Chatter will destroy the cutting edge faster then cutting a bunch of seats. Speed and feed also have a gearing on the life span.
I use only Newan seat cutter inserts and most times I will get 100+ seats on plain cast before touching up
On Real hard or diesel seats depending on seat angle 50+ on a 45 and 37.5 and shallower 100+.
What issues are you seeing??

Pro Power Engine & Machine
Victoria BC Canada

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