I want a honing plate for a 1985-87 Buick 3.8, approximate dimensions are:
Bore would be 3.8"+, with a bore spacing of about 4.250. Bolts would be about 4.250 x 3.100. Dimensions measured with my caliper.
I am looking at a plate for a 2.8/3.1 C
heverolet. Other than boring it out a bit, would it fit?
I know it won't fit anyone got one for a 3.8 they will part with?
CCA Racing
They make them from 2" billet and they are very well made.
Not bad cost either.
I have about 10 of their plates in use and FYI they come with spacers for either bolts or studs just specifi when ordering.
They may even have some in their clearance stock